Worldwide experts in all things Lenovo, IBM and BNT networking
Worldwide experts in all things Lenovo, IBM and BNT networkingWorldwide experts in all things Lenovo, IBM and BNT networkingWorldwide experts in all things Lenovo, IBM and BNT networking
Let us help you build, deploy and support the best design with your chosen products.
Worldwide experts in all things Lenovo, IBM and BNT networking
Worldwide experts in all things Lenovo, IBM and BNT networkingWorldwide experts in all things Lenovo, IBM and BNT networkingWorldwide experts in all things Lenovo, IBM and BNT networking
Let us help you build, deploy and support the best design with your chosen products.
About EdgeNet Consulting LLC
Our Experience
Why EdgeNet Consulting?
Our Experience
60+ combined years of designing, deploying and supporting multi-vendor network infrastructures, with a focus on datacenter networking. A trusted networking expert on:
> Blade Network Technologies (BNT)
> IBM BladeCenter
> IBM PureFlex
>IBM Rackswitch
> Lenovo Flex Chassis
> Lenovo Rackswitch
And while we focus on Lenovo, IBM and Blade Network
60+ combined years of designing, deploying and supporting multi-vendor network infrastructures, with a focus on datacenter networking. A trusted networking expert on:
> Blade Network Technologies (BNT)
> IBM BladeCenter
> IBM PureFlex
>IBM Rackswitch
> Lenovo Flex Chassis
> Lenovo Rackswitch
And while we focus on Lenovo, IBM and Blade Network solutions, we have a deep and varied background with all major networking vendors, and can assist with them as well.
Our Approach
Why EdgeNet Consulting?
Our Experience
Offering peace of mind.
Understanding your environment and requirements up front, so that we can help you get the most out of your investment. From custom training, to designing the most robust and highest performing environments. Followed up with deployment assistance and issue resolution, to ensure your success.
Why EdgeNet Consulting?
Why EdgeNet Consulting?
Why EdgeNet Consulting?
Edge networking is an area where an incredible amount of miscommunication occurs. Server teams rarely understand what the networking team needs to bring up their connection, and networking teams have no real understanding of what is going on in the server. Adding third party switches into the mix can confuse things even more.
Having worke
Edge networking is an area where an incredible amount of miscommunication occurs. Server teams rarely understand what the networking team needs to bring up their connection, and networking teams have no real understanding of what is going on in the server. Adding third party switches into the mix can confuse things even more.
Having worked closely with all of these teams and every major vendor, we can bridge that gap and ensure all parties understand the requirements. Our expertise minimizes deployment times and reduces false starts and costly outages.
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